Agencies & Associations

BC Municipal Safety Association

BC Municipal Safety Association

Trade or Industry Association
Mail: 20430 Fraser Highway, Langley, BC, V3A 4G2
Street: 20430 Fraser Highway
Phone: 778-278-3486
Fax: 778-278-0029
 [email protected]
The British Columbia Municipal Safety Association (BCMSA) is an independent, non-profit organization committed to improving worker health and safety in all industries throughout the province. Your safety is our business. We work to improve safety programs and implement effective occupational health and safety management across the province. The BCMSA offers a range of events, certificates and training opportunities. We are on a mission to keep employers developing, implementing and evaluating their health and safety management on an annual basis.


NamePositionProfessional Category(s)
Justin ChouhanManager of Audit & Training ServicesEducation & Training
Helga HildebrandtOffice ManagerOffice Administration
Please note: Information provided on this page may not be used for sending unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

Organization Resources

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