Legislative Calendar

Jun 01, 2022Each municipality and regional district represented on a library board must pay its share of budget in equal installments on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 of each year.[25(5) LA]
Jun 02, 2022A local government may decide that a by-election is not to be held if the vacancy occurs after June 1 in the year of a general local election that will fill the office. [LGA s. 54(2)]
Jun 14, 2022Last day for council to prepare the annual municipal report and make it available for public inspection[97-99 CC]
Jun 15, 2022Where a municipality is collecting taxes for a regional transit commission, it shall on or before the 15th day of each calendar month, pay to British Columbia Transit all of those taxes collected during the preceding calendar month.[17 BCTR]
Jun 29, 2022A local government that has jurisdiction over land subject to a land use contract must, by June 30, 2022, adopt a zoning bylaw that will apply to the land on June 30, 2024[547(2) LGA]
Jun 29, 2022Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) must be prepared within 6 months after the end of each fiscal year of the municipality under the Financial Information Act. Submit a copy to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.[2(3) FIA]
Jun 29, 2022If a local government terminates a land use contract early, last day to deliver a notice of termination (unless the local government adopts a bylaw under section 548 that will terminate the land use contract, in which case, the notice must be delivered by the date that is 10 days after the adoption of the bylaw to the owners as shown on the assessment roll as at the date of the first reading of the bylaw)[549 LGA]
Jun 29, 2022If a local government decides to terminate a land use contract early, last day to adopt the bylaw terminating the contract and a zoning bylaw. [548(3) LGA]
Jun 29, 2022Last possible day for regional districts to hold a board meeting or other public meeting to present audited financial statements and member remuneration reports. The reports must be available for inspection until June 30 of the following year. Meeting must be held by June 30 in each year.[376 LGA]
Jun 29, 2022Before June 30 in each year, a local government must prepare and consider a report with respect to the annual development cost charges for the previous year. Report to be available to the public until June 30 of the following year.[569 LGA]
Jun 29, 2022Before June 30 in each year, a local government must prepare and consider a report respecting the previous year in relation to the reserve funds required for off-street parking and loading space requirements. Report to be available to the public until June 30 of the following year.[525(9) LGA]
Jun 29, 2022As reporting Council remuneration, expenses and contracts must be done at least once a year, it is convenient to prepare and present this information at the same meeting as the Annual Municipal Report.[168 CC; 377 LGA]
Jun 29, 2022Last day for council to consider the annual municipal report at a council meeting[97-99 CC]
Jun 30, 2022Last day a local government must make the 2021 annual development cost charges report available to the public.[569(3) LGA]
Jun 30, 2022Last day to make a copy of the financial statements and reports on regional district finances from 2021 available for public inspection (during regular office hours) [376 (3) LGA]
Jun 30, 2022Last day to make a copy of the 2021 report in relation to the reserve funds available for public inspection (during regular office hours)[525(10) LGA]
Jun 30, 2022Last possible date for payment of delinquent taxes on certain Crown lands (held under lease or license). If payment not made by this date, the collector must forward a list of defaulting lessees, licensees, permittees or locators to the minister responsible for the administration of the Land Act.[257(4) CC]
Jun 30, 2022UBCM resolutions deadline.
Jun 30, 2022Monthly reports to: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for GST/PST; Statistics Canada for building permits; Health Authority for water quality testing.
Assessment Act
Home Owner Grant Act
Assessment Authority Act
Home Owner Grant Regulation
Assessment Act Regulation
Interest Rates Under Various Statutes Regulation
Agricultural Land Commission Act
Library Act
Assessment Averaging and Phasing Regulation
Local Elections Campaign Financing Act
Agricultural Land Reserve, ;Use, Subdivision and Procedures Regulation
Land Tax Deferment Act
BC Transit Act
Municipalities Enabling and Validating (No. 4)
BC Transit Regulation
Municipal Finance Authority Act
Community Charter
Manufactured Home Act
Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act
Manufactured Home Tax Act
Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Regulation
Municipal Tax Regulation
Economic Stablization (COVID-19) Act
Municipal Wastewater Regulation
Environmental Management Act
Police Act
Financial Disclosure Act
Police Tax Regulation
Financial Information Act
School Act
Fireworks Act
South Coast BC Transportation Authority Act
Hospital District Act
School Tax Remitting Regulation
Hospital District Act Regulation
Weed Control Act