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Posted: June 25, 2024, 3:59 pm

Emergency Planning Coordinator

Village of Lions Bay

The Village of Lions Bay
Request for Proposals
# LB-RFP-2024-01
Emergency Planning Coordinator


The Village of Lions Bay is inviting proposals for a contractor to function as an Emergency Planning Coordinator to administer the Village of Lions Bay Emergency Program. Responsibilities include:

  • updating the Emergency Plan and Emergency Evacuation Plan;
  • acting as secretary for the Emergency Planning Committee;
  • training participants/arranging for training opportunities;
  • organizing and participating in emergency preparedness exercises and training opportunities; writing proposals to access appropriate funding; coordination and integration of emergency response and recovery to large scale emergencies;
  • liaising with partner communities to improve Emergency Services and response; and
  • reporting on activities to Council.

The successful proponent will possess excellent communication skills and be able to effectively liaise with and coordinate appropriate agencies, management staff and volunteers. Familiarity with Sea to Sky corridor, Metro Vancouver Emergency Management, North Shore Emergency Management and previous experience in emergency management, ICS and BCERM would be an advantage. All applicants should be familiar with the Lions Bay Emergency Plan.

Proposals should detail your experience and qualifications, the methodology you propose to meet program objectives (including your availability in case of emergencies), and your base monthly and hourly rates. Please note that the municipality does not envision this role as a full-time position.

Proposals should, at a minimum, meet the requirements set out in the RFP information package. To be considered, proposals must be received by the Village of Lions Bay by 4 pm on July 26, 2024.
Proposals should be emailed to Ross Blackwell, CAO at [email protected].

Request for Proposal

Location: Lions Bay
Organization: Lions Bay (Village)
Opportunity Type: Request for Proposals
Professional Categories: Emergency Planning
Expires: July 26, 2024, 4:00 pm
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