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Ladysmith and Stz’uminus CommUNITY input identifies 10 poverty themes

Publisher: Ladysmith
Posting Date: June 3, 2021
Year Published: 2021
The CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts'-ulwum (As One) project is releasing a Summary of Public Engagement that identifies 10 common themes related to poverty. The themes emerged from a series of opportunities to hear from the public about the impacts of poverty experienced by residents of Ladysmith and Stz’uminus.

The information and ideas gathered throughout the CommUNITY Together to End Poverty - Hw-nuts'-ulwum (As One) project will lead to the creation of a local Poverty Reduction Plan that will identify strategies for tackling the underlying causes of poverty by engaging with those who have lived experiences as well as with those who have not. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the solutions.

The project is guided by a working group of community-based organizations that are championing the engagement process. Members of the working group includes local representatives from the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association (LRCA), Stz’uminus Health, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Vancouver Island, First Nations Health Authority, Stz’uminus Primary School, Island Health, Our Cowichan Health Network, Nutsumaat Lelum Child Care Centre, School District 68, the Town and Social Planning Cowichan.

For more information, to review the Summary and participate in the survey, go to

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Full Text Word Count: 529
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