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Beyond the Guidebook Primer Series

Posting Date: April 6, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This website contains links to a number of Primers for creating better watershed outcomes and improving asset management through an innovative, science-based approach to rainwater management. Targeted at local government decision-makers, engineers, water and land use planners, the Primers are part of a series of guidebooks launched in 2002 to improve rainwater management and restore hydrological integrity in BC. The beauty of the Primer series is that it traces the evolution of a new way of thinking about watersheds as key infrastructure assets in and of themselves.
Useful for those planning or designing climate resilient communities, the Primers provide context for a new understanding of urban hydrology and practical steps to integrating rainwater management across the site, stream and watershed scales (i.e. the Water Balance Methodology). These action-oriented resources are rich in models, tools and case studies that translate complex science on urban hydrology and green design into tangible community goals and realisable outcomes.
Full Text Word Count: 1657
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