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Financial Mechanisms and Models for Collaborative Watershed Governance in BC

Posting Date: April 6, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This discussion paper provides those interested in pursuing local or regional watershed governance a variety of alternatives for funding collaborative watershed organizations. Sustainable funding is recognized as critical to the success of these decision-making bodies; and the paper provides a range of alternative financial mechanisms and models for achieving it. Examples include: water licence fees, water pricing, property taxes, discretionary grants, resource recovery and impact benefit agreements.
The paper is useful to anyone shopping for alternative ways to fund a watershed governance organization. To make planning for financing easier, the financial mechanisms and models are categorized by purpose (i.e. programs and projects, or operations), and by type of organization (senior government, local government, First Nations, non-government). British Columbian case studies provide real world examples of how the various options work in action.
Full Text Word Count: 8302
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