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Getting Climate Adaptation Tools Out There: A Workshop Process Guide

Posting Date: October 19, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The guide addresses the gap between climate change adaptation tool development and use by planning professionals.  The Okanagan Basin Water Board held a series of four workshops designed to disseminate adaptation planning tools to local practitioners. This guide provides process support to professionals wishing to host similar workshops. 
The guide covers six phases of workshop planning and coordination:
  1. Identify a training need
  2. Develop budget and secure funding
  3. Plan workshop
  4. Advertise and register participants
  5. Run workshop
  6. Post-workshop evaluation and information dissemination
For each phase, the guide outlines key considerations and tips to assist the workshop facilitator.  A “checklist for workshop coordinators” provides a useful summary of key tasks, while Resources and References sections provide links to additional information.
Full Text Word Count: 5487
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