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Groundwater Bylaws Toolkit

Posting Date: October 19, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The purpose of the toolkit is to provide local government with practical land management tools to support the protection of groundwater resources. The toolkit provides information on:
  • The role of local government in groundwater protection
  • Jurisdiction for managing groundwater
  • Basic principles of hydrogeology and data management
  • Scenarios on how local government can combine land use planning and regulatory tools to manage groundwater
  • Conducting groundwater studies 
The toolkit explores a number of objectives for groundwater protection with associated potential local government action. The key objectives are to: minimize impacts on water sources; sustain aquifers at healthy levels; maximize infiltration; reduce groundwater use; and protect groundwater quality. 
The information, scenarios, sample tools and policy wording in the toolkit can be used to implement groundwater protection measures. The information and direction can also assist in developing a scope of work for consultants and communicating the importance of groundwater protection action by local government.
Full Text Word Count: 8810
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