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Topsoil Bylaws Toolkit

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The purpose of the toolkit is to provide local government with practical tools that support smart topsoil policies. It explores a number of options to manage topsoil, and outlines the strengths and weaknesses each option.  The toolkit provides information on:
  • Why topsoil is important
  • The role of local government in topsoil management
  • Basic principles of topsoil science
  • Importance of and approaches for internal and external communications and collaboration
  • Approaches to topsoil management and matters to consider for new and existing development
  • Standards and references for topsoil management
  • Lessons learned and fictitious case studies (scenarios)
The toolkit also describes policy and bylaw tools for local government and provides sample language relating to rainwater management and topsoil quality and quantity.
Full Text Word Count: 10335
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