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Fort Nelson First Nation - Northern Rockies Regional Municipality: Trust, Partnership, and Forests - Pathways to Collaboration

Posting Date: September 9, 2019
Year Published: 2019
Pathway Overview

Incorporated in 2009, the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) is the first Regional Municipality in BC, encompassing 10% of British Columbia’s landmass. A large portion of the NRRM is located within the territory of Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN), a Nation of Dene and Cree people who have lived there for thousands of years, and is adjacent to the Town of Fort Nelson. Today, the NRRM and FNFN enjoy close ties not only in proximity, but also due to longstanding friendships, co-operative efforts with respect to regional development issues, and a strong partnership in creating one of the largest community forests in BC history.
Full Text Word Count: 1536
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