Asset Management and Procurement

A collection of documents pertaining to procurement and asset management for local governments. This collection focuses on the inherent difficulties surrounding the management of infrastructure in addition the practices of procurement for local governments in British Columbia.

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The Joy of Governing – Your How-to Guide to Optimal Governance

Posting Date: March 9, 2020
Year Published: 2020
Like the Yukon herself, this document is unique. There is nothing out there quite like it. Having served over twenty years in local government as both Mayor and Councilor, we were thrilled to be asked to help create a document designed specifically to help you strive for superstar optimal governance. We wish we would have had access to this information at the beginning of our public service journey. It is meant to be instructional, playful, and directly relevant. It is not meant to be a technical paper, a legal document, or a standardized cut and paste manual so prevalent in our cautionary day and age. This will surely aid the curious, orient the lost, and bring a sense of purpose to you who are destined for greatness…or at least ‘more-thanjust-average-ness’.
Full Text Word Count: 9982
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