Asset Management and Procurement

A collection of documents pertaining to procurement and asset management for local governments. This collection focuses on the inherent difficulties surrounding the management of infrastructure in addition the practices of procurement for local governments in British Columbia.

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Asset Management BC 2019 Update

Posting Date: March 11, 2020
Year Published: 2020
A presentation by Glen Brown, Chair, Asset Management BC Partnership Committee regarding Asset Management BC 2019 Activities which included:
  • Newsletters – Winter, Spring & Fall editions
  • Annual Conference
  • Training – NAMS (April 2019)
  • Outreach – FCM, national CoP – AMCanada, regional CoPs, communities
  • Website update, social media
  • Projects
  • Framework & Primers
  • Communications Project
  • Level of Service Workshop Pilot (Nov 8, 2019)
Full Text Word Count: 162
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