Asset Management and Procurement

A collection of documents pertaining to procurement and asset management for local governments. This collection focuses on the inherent difficulties surrounding the management of infrastructure in addition the practices of procurement for local governments in British Columbia.

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Asset Management and Maintenance – “Partners for Life” – How Operations and Maintenance Influence Asset Management Decision Making

Posting Date: March 11, 2020
Year Published: 2020
A presentation by Kristy Bobbie of the City of Prince George about Asset Management and Maintenance – “Partners for Life” – How Operations and Maintenance Influence Asset Management Decision Making. the presentation discusses: 
  1. City of Prince George
  2. AM Tools
  3. Predictive & Preventative Maintenance
    1. Sanitary Sewer Main Cleaning
    2. Paved Road Condition
  4. Next Steps
Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 426
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