Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

A collection of resources related to initiatives, agreements, arrangements, partnerships, and the provision of services between Indigenous governments and organizations, and local governments in British Columbia.
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Comox Valley Regional District and K’omoks First Nation Mutual Benefit Agreement

Posting Date: July 24, 2019
Year Published: 2019
Recognizing that water is a shared interest between the K’ómoks First Nation (KFN) and the CVRD, the CVRD/KFN Mutual Benefit Agreement was signed on Sept. 28, 2018. By signing this agreement, KFN provided its support of the Comox Valley Water Treatment Project and the CVRD’s water licence application, which assisted greatly in gaining provincial and federal support of the project. Construction will be underway soon and more details will be shared with the public as information is available.
Full Text Word Count: 724
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