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Riverside Wetlands/Ském’em Community Park

Posting Date: January 14, 2020
Year Published: 2020
The Squamish-Lillooet Regional District Board of Directors and Líl'wat Nation Chief and Council have approved a Co-Management Plan for the Riverside Wetlands/Ském’em Community Park.

Name Change

The park’s name was changed from Riverside Park to Riverside Wetlands/ Ském’em Community Park earlier in 2017.

The name change reflects the LÍl'wat/SLRD co-management of the park as well as the traditional use of the lowland area of the park, which was “to dig edible roots” – “Ském’em” in Ucwalmícwts, which is the traditional language of the Lil’wat people.

Co-management of the Park now falls to Líl'wat and the SLRD. More information about their management partnership is available at the link below.
Full Text Word Count: 1679
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