Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

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Vancouver Parks Board Staff Report implementing TRC Calls to Action

Posting Date: January 6, 2016
Year Published: 2016
THAT, in response to the Calls to Action provided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), the Vancouver Park Board direct staff to:

Adopt the "United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" as a reference framework for Park Board’s Reconciliation initiatives;

Work with First Nations people's and other civic bodies to identify, create, and deliver appropriate and actionable staff training on indigenous issues and reconciliation;

Take a 360 degree approach to programming, including in the areas of culture, health, public dialogue, physical activity, and sport in order to increase public knowledge and awareness of reconciliation and to provide support to indigenous peoples including children, youth, Elders and families;

Continue Park Board's precedent-setting intergovernmental approach to the future stewardship of Stanley Park and other relevant lands;

Review the donation of monuments, memorials, and public art processes and policies to ensure integration of Indigenous history, heritage values, and memory practices;

Review archeological protocols to ensure that "Aboriginal protocols shall be respected before any potentially invasive technical inspection and investigation of a cemetery site" or soil disturbance of a midden site takes place on park lands;

Acknowledge that Aboriginal rights include Aboriginal language rights; that preservation, revitalization and strengthening of Aboriginal languages and cultures are best managed by Aboriginal people and communities;

Review partner and business contracts, relationships and procurement policies for alignment with TRC Calls to Action;

Establish and fund as a priority a program for Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists to undertake collaborative community-engaged projects and produce works that contribute to the reconciliation process;

Review event permitting and sports hosting opportunities to ensure that Indigenous peoples' territorial protocols are respected and that, if appropriate to the scale of the event, that local Indigenous communities are engaged;

Maintain current policy of no charge for changing a name on the OneCard, especially in relation to Indigenous people reclaiming names changed by the residential school system.
Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 3969
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