Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

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New Port Moody house post honours KFN story - Kwikwetlem house post is one of five along Shoreline Trail

Publisher: Tri-City News
Posting Date: November 25, 2019
Year Published: 2019
Kwantlen First Nation artist Brandon Gabriel and Tasha Faye Evans, co-ordinator of the Welcome Post Project Metro were invited to Coquitlam Lake to pick a tree.  Metro Vancouver asked the pair to select an old-growth western red cedar that had fallen on its own last winter in the watershed, the traditional territory of the Kwikwetlem First Nation.

Supported by the Port Moody Foundation, the city, the Port Moody Ecological Society (which operates the Noons Creek hatchery), Kwikwetlem First Nation and Canada Council for the Arts, the house post project has the band’s blessing.
Full Text Word Count: 950
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