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Town amends fire protection agreement with OIB

Publisher: Oliver Chronicle
Posting Date: July 12, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The Town of Oliver is amending a fire protection agreement with the Osoyoos Indian Band that will end up paying about $10,000 less than last year.

So says Chief Financial Officer Devon Wannop, who recently presented council with a report on the subject.

Wannop said, under the current agreement, the OIB is charged rural rates, which has meant that their mill rate was higher than the rate the Town would charge its own ratepayers.

Therefore, the OIB would like to see some of their residences and businesses in close proximity to the town charged the same mill rate as municipal ratepayers.

Making this change will see the OIB pay approximately $10,000 less than what the Town currently receives, Wannop told council.

In the current year the Town had budgeted the OIB payment to be $145,000 (it received approximately $149,000 last year).

“With this change in how the rate is calculated we are looking at a $10,000 reduction in the fee,” Wannop said.

As a point of interest, Chief Administrative Officer Cathy Cowan said the OIB used to have its own fire department, but it couldn’t get members to fight fires, so the band approached the Town.

Councillor Jack Bennest said the OIB’s request for a rate change is not unreasonable, saying the Town is lucky to have the band and the rural area paying into the fire protection service.
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Full Text Word Count: 502
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