Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

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Coast Salish design & Hul’q’umi’num language create connection at Beban Pool

Publisher: Nanaimo, City of
Posting Date: September 23, 2020
Year Published: 2020
New artwork by Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun, installed September 2020, for Beban Park pool.
White-Hill’s project communicates knowledge about the cultural heritage and the biodiversity of this region.

Of this project, White-Hill says, “my goal is to create a connection between the audience and the art, to create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the history, culture, and nature of Snuneymuxw and our territory—I want to show other people who we are, I want future generations of Coast Salish people to grow up surrounded by our art. I want to honour our territory by wrapping it in the blanket of our art once more. I feel strongly that it will form a connection between all peoples who live in our territory and see it, a connection that will create space where empathy and understanding can flourish across cultural divides.”

On improvements currently underway at the pool, Mayor Leonard Krog says, “this project will contribute to a welcoming environment for the thousands of people who use Beban pool each year. This young and talented artists’ work communicates stories, values and language that are critical to our understanding of the history of this land, our understanding of the present, and ultimately our shared future. I know this beautiful work will provide inspiration and joy, and I congratulate and thank the artist.”
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Full Text Word Count: 3569
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