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Vernon and OKIB mark second year of collaboration - Relationship Accord

Posting Date: October 14, 2020
Year Published: 2020

The City of Vernon and the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) celebrated its second anniversary of the signing of a Relationship Accord Tuesday, Oct. 13.

The accord, signed Oct. 13, 2018, created a process for both communities to create stronger relationships through shared economic development activities. Joint workshops uncovered priorities which include land-use planning, infrastructure and tourism opportunities.

Ahead of the signing, OKIB and City of Vernon council typically gathered annually through the Community to Community Forum, but the partnership was formalized through a joint Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) Working Group.

The accord outlines the objectives which also include celebrating ancestors and environment through joint cultural, historical and educational initiatives and strengthening long-term collaboration on “waterfront area” development.

The OKIB is exploring where opportunities may exist in the city’s waterfront economic development plan.

Tourism was noted as a priority in the accord and since the signing, the City of Vernon has provided a seat for an OKIB representative at the Vernon Tourism Commission which meets monthly.

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