Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

A collection of resources related to initiatives, agreements, arrangements, partnerships, and the provision of services between Indigenous governments and organizations, and local governments in British Columbia.
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Huu-ay-aht, universities form unique partnership for waste water

Publisher: Ha-Shilth-Sa
Author: Youds, Mike
Posting Date: November 30, 2020
Year Published: 2020
Huu-ay-aht First Nations (HFN) are pressing ahead this fall with construction of Anacla’s first community wastewater treatment system, considered a catalyst for local economic growth. After decades of discussion, negotiation and planning, the $8-million wastewater project finally gained ground through a unique partnership between HFN, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) and the research station’s supporting universities.
Full Text Word Count: 1140
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