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Poverty Challenges raise awareness about meeting basic needs in Ladysmith and Stz’uminus

Posting Date: March 10, 2021
Year Published: 2021

Can you live on a three-day food allowance that is based on social assistance? What would it be like to get around by only accessing public or active transportation for three days? What would you do with 12 hours out in the community with nowhere to go? 

For some Ladysmith and Stz’uminus residents this is everyday reality.

The CommUNITY Together to End Poverty Hw-nuts'-ulwum (As One) project is launching three Poverty Challenges to raise awareness about some of the struggles facing those living in poverty. Between March 29th and April 9th, you are invited to participate in one or more of these challenges:

*Food Allowance Challenge: Live off a food allowance budget based on social assistance for three days.

*Public/Active Transportation Challenge: Use only public or active transportation for three days.

*12 Hour "Nowhere To Go" Challenge: Spend 12 hours in our community with nowhere to go.

For more information, to sign up for the poverty challenges or find other ways to participate go to

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