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OKIB Chief Byron Louis says substance in civic relationship more important than territorial acknowledgment

Posting Date: March 10, 2021
Year Published: 2021
Actions speak louder than words, according to the chief of the Okanagan Indian Band.

Chief Byron Louis says it would be nice if the City of Vernon made a territorial acknowledgment before council meetings, but he is more interested in the relationship the band has with the city.

Louis said Tuesday he's not too concerned the city doesn't offer what has become a popular acknowledgment of unceded First Nations territory prior to meetings such as city councils, school boards and so on.

"It never really came up. It has never been part of our discussions," said Louis. "We have an ongoing relationship with the city, and that issue has never come up about acknowledging us before city meetings.

"It would be a nice gesture, but you want substance. If there is going to be a relationship, you have to have substance to it. You can say something, but like my grandfather used to tell me - 'Actions speak louder than words.' That's what really counts."
Louis said the relationship should be based on "how things are being handled, what the level of treatment is."

"A relationship has got to have substance, it has to have meaning," said Louis, adding the OKIB and city work together on various issues and concerns.

He described the relationship between the two governments as "kind of like a marriage. There are ups and downs and you get into arguments, and then we get back together and we talk again. The main point is neither one of us have walked away, and that says a lot.

"You can agree to disagree, but as long as you can come back and keep on talking, that is a pretty good relationship."

A statement from the city stated the "topic has been discussed by council, and the direction was that the City of Vernon does not conduct territorial acknowledgements."
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