Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

A collection of resources related to initiatives, agreements, arrangements, partnerships, and the provision of services between Indigenous governments and organizations, and local governments in British Columbia.
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Pacheedaht tells CRD to stay out of its business

Posting Date: May 14, 2021
Year Published: 2021
The Pacheedaht First Nation says the Capital Regional District should mind its own business when it comes to logging on their traditional territory. A motion led by Victoria Coun. Ben Isitt and supported by other directors recommending the CRD call on the province to protect old-growth stands in the Fairy Creek area near Port Renfrew didn't get to a vote during Wednesday's CRD board meeting. In its letter, the Pacheedaht said the nation "strongly urges the CRD board to ... show an appropriate level of respect to the sovereignty and wishes of our Nation, respect our desire for self-determination and act appropriately by rejecting the proposed motion."
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