Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

A collection of resources related to initiatives, agreements, arrangements, partnerships, and the provision of services between Indigenous governments and organizations, and local governments in British Columbia.
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Indigenous names return to Sunshine Coast

Posting Date: August 19, 2021
Year Published: 2021
In co-operation with the shíshálh Nation, the Province has restored the name of the Wilson Creek community to ts’uḵw’um. This name will be shared with the nearby creek. The water feature of Saltery Bay has also restored its name of sḵelhp.
In accordance with the B.C. Geographical Naming Policy, local and Indigenous governments, as well as relevant organizations, were invited to comment on the proposed name changes and bring forward any local or heritage considerations and comments.
Darnelda Siegers, Mayor, District of Sechelt –
“The District of Sechelt council is pleased to have supported the return of Wilson Creek to its original name, ts’uḵw’um. This is one small but important part of building relationships, cultural awareness, respect and reconciliation.”
Full Text Word Count: 2863
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