Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

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qax mot Conservation Area Protects Important habitat; Reflects Traditional K’ómoks Medicinal Uses

Posting Date: November 25, 2021
Year Published: 2021
The Comox Valley Regional District is pleased to announce that the park located at the headwaters of Morrison Creek, which protects 22 hectares of aquatic and riparian habitat, has been formally named qax mot Conservation Area...

The qax mot Conservation Area name represents a small step in the right direction towards reconciliation,” said K’ómoks Hegus Nicole Rempel. “This ayajuthem name recognizes the long history of our people’s traditional use of the land, as well as the culturally important practice of medicinal plant gathering. Our partnership with CVRD is a great example of how our communities can work together to steward our water and lands responsibly and protect them for future generations.
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