Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

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City of Terrace adopts plan for future cultural awareness training

Publisher: Terrace Standard
Author: Binny, Paul
Posting Date: December 14, 2021
Year Published: 2021

Terrace council has committed to learning more about Indigenous history and issues in an effort to further its reconciliation goals. On Dec. 13, council voted in favour of implementing learning activities that align with Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Call to Action 57. Plan is called the Learning Implementation Plan for Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action #57

Around $15,000 from surplus funds will be allocated to fund training activities in 2022 educating elected officials and city staff.

The proposed plan takes a blended learning approach ranging from online learning to in-person training to self-led reading and review. It consists of several training and communications activities which have been categorized into time frames ranging from six months to two year. Some of its short term goals include training activities like online history lessons and anti-racism programs. Long term plans include experiential learning opportunities for which staff have recommended to get input and advice from local First Nations.

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