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Interface fire sparked new emergency response partnership between City of Kamloops, TteS

Posting Date: April 1, 2022
Year Published: 2022
In the wake of July's threatening interface fire which saw parts of two city neighbourhoods evacuated, a new partnership formed to co-ordinate emergency response on both sides of the Thompson River.

At the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc and City of Kamloops’ Community to Community Forum held on Thursday, staff and elected officials from both governments heard about the new emergency response co-ordination group developed after the event.

David Trawin, City of Kamloops’ CAO, said the group consists of representatives from TteS, the city, the Thompson-Nicola Regional District and Emergency Management BC...

ustin Gottfriedson, TteS councillor and acting Kukpi7, said the group is a “shining example” of collaboration between TteS the the City of Kamloops, and the need for strong partnerships.

“Kamloops is a transportation corridor and individuals are going to come here regardless of what their evacuation plan is or not. So we took the very pragmatic approach to develop this group, pool our knowledge and resources and experiences and uncover a large area of potential gaps and voids that were maybe experienced in the past,” he said.

Gottfriendson said it was almost by “happy accident” that the group formed.

“I can't believe it took this long to kind of come together and pool our resources, and just share the experience,” he told Castanet.

“[Tk’emlups] always opened our doors to house individuals within our community, and to support those in the time in need. And the next evolution of that process was to come together and form this group, share our information and be a lot more proactive and prepared for the unknowns.”
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