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Cordova Bay Village upgrades part of newest local area plan revision in Saanich

Publisher: Saanich News
Posting Date: March 17, 2022
Year Published: 2022

A framework to guide growth and change in Cordova Bay over the next 30 years was unanimously approved on Tuesday evening (March 15) by Saanich council.

The district identified priorities for inclusion in the revised local area plan by consulting residents, First Nations, property and business owners, neighbourhood groups, community stakeholders and developers.

The creation of a healthy, vibrant village centre for the neighbourhood was a guiding principle for the plan, which replaces a planning document last updated in 1998. Part of that focus saw the creation of a village sub-area plan and Cordova Bay Village development permit area design guidelines...

The plan builds on current policy and adds focus to issues such as Indigenous relations – outlining how the District of Saanich can collaborate with and better support local First Nations.

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