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Stz’uminus artist Jason Harris designs new community banners

Posting Date: March 22, 2022
Year Published: 2022

Stz’uminus artist Jason Harris has designed two new banners to hang prominently in Ladysmith’s downtown this coming summer, further enhancing this important and inclusive gathering space for our community.

Harris is an accomplished carver who developed an interest in the traditional craft through his late father.

The 2022 theme for Town of Ladysmith’s Community Banner Program is Community on the Coast; Harris drew on his inspiration living near the Salish Sea, particularly in his portrayal of an otter searching for its next meal in Sea Searching (Otter).   The second banner design by Harris is Hummingbird Season, which is a tribute to the season of Spring. 

The Parks, Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee and Public Art Banners Selection Committee both endorsed Harris’ submission. Council approved the recommendations by both committees at its recent meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

The intent of the banner program is to beautify Ladysmith’s downtown core through public art while at the same time creating opportunities for local artists to showcase their work for all to enjoy.

The Town plans to install the banners in May.

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