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FVRD Adopts Anti-Racial Discrimination and Anti-Racism Policy

Posting Date: April 29, 2022
Year Published: 2022

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) Board adopted an Anti-Racial Discrimination and Anti-Racism Policy at the April 28, 2022 Board meeting.

The policy shows the FVRD’s commitment to conducting day-to-day business operations and governance in an anti-discriminatory and anti-racist manner and environment. It applies to all employees, elected officials, contractors, volunteers, and students working or volunteering for the FVRD or providing professional services...

To support the implementation of the policy, FVRD staff will attend Anti-Racism Response Training (A.R.T.) workshops this fall and will be required to acknowledge their understanding of the policy.

The FVRD already has policies that adhere to the BC Human Rights Code including a Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy and FVRD Code of Conduct. The new policy will complement these corporate policies.

The FVRD is further committed to respecting and upholding the vision and principles of British Columbia’s Human Rights Code and the implementation of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Full Text Word Count: 486
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