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Land Details Agreement Between RDKS and Kitselas First Nation

Author: Phil Germuth
Posting Date: October 13, 2022
Year Published: 2022

The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (Regional District) and Kitselas First Nation (Kitselas) have jointly completed a Thornhill Land Details Agreement. This agreement finalizes the boundaries of a portion of Crown Land on District Lot 373 in Thornhill to be transferred to Kitselas through their LNG Benefits Agreement with the province. It also sets out terms for a subsequent land exchange between Kitselas and the Regional District, and it establishes a Joint Community Use Area and Cooperative Management Agreement. 

The Thornhill Land Details Agreement builds on the Joint Planning Study completed by Kitselas and the Regional District in 2018-2020. The Study established a shared vision and future land uses for the site, which were embedded in the Regional District’s Official Community Plan for Electoral Area “E” (Thornhill). A Cooperation Agreement was also prepared to ensure the land use designations are maintained, to strengthen the government-to-government relationship, and to state the Regional District’s support for Kitselas acquiring the site from the province as Treaty Settlement Lands. The Cooperation Agreement was approved at a signing ceremony in Gitaus on March 2, 2020. 

“It was a pleasure to work with Kitselas on this recent agreement, furthering our relationship and implementing the earlier work we completed through the Joint Planning Study. This new community use area and management agreement will provide much needed recreation opportunities within the area.” said Regional District Board Chair Phil Germuth. 

“This agreement brings greater economic opportunities for Kitselas, ensures a joint community use area that will benefit people of all ages from both communities, and protects and builds upon our excellent working relationship with the Regional District,” said Kitselas Chief Councillor Judy Gerow. 

A signing ceremony for the Thornhill Land Details Agreement will take place when provincial health guidelines allow, and it is safe to do so. 

Full Text Word Count: 1912
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