Joint Indigenous and Local Government Initiatives and Relations

A collection of resources related to initiatives, agreements, arrangements, partnerships, and the provision of services between Indigenous governments and organizations, and local governments in British Columbia.
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Okanagan Indian Band and City of Vernon

Posting Date: July 4, 2023
Year Published: 2023

Prior to participating in CEDI, Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) and City of Vernon councils gathered annually through the Community to Community Forum (C2C). Since 2017, these communities have formalized their partnership through a joint CEDI Working Group, signed and celebrated a Relationship Accord, and most recently, through a joint strategic plan.

The plan's objectives are: strengthening long-term relationship and formalizing joint planning processes between Okanagan Indian Band and City of Vernon; celebrating and respecting our ancestors and environment through joint cultural, historical and educational initiatives; and, strengthening long-term collaboration on ‘Waterfront Area’ development between City of Vernon, OKIB and CP holders on IR6.

OKIB and City of Vernon participated in CEDI 2017 – 2020

Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 1558
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