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Local Conservation Funds in British Columbia: A Guide for Local Governments and Community Organizations

Posting Date: January 24, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The guide provides information and resources for local governments and community groups interested in establishing funds to support conservation programs and projects in their communities. The guide introduces conservation funds (what they are and why they are useful and important), and then outlines seven key steps to their establishment, as follows:
  1. Build the leadership team and support network;
  2. Determine community priorities;
  3. Make the case for a conservation fund;
  4. Design the conservation fund;
  5. Determine financing options;
  6. Understand the establishment options; and
  7. Gain participating area approval to establish the fund.
A case studies section at the end of the guide profiles several existing fund projects. A glossary and references section provides further information.
Full Text Word Count: 9980
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