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Making Strides on Community Adaptation in Canada

Posting Date: September 14, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The purpose of the Making Strides on Community Adaptation Project was to bridge the gap between planning and implementation by increasing the uptake of existing implementation-related resources such as decision-making tools or geographically specific guidance. The project collected information on the status of adaptation implementation in Canada and the resources used by municipal practitioners who are advanced in their adaptation efforts.

The report includes recommendations on how to better leverage implementation, exposes readers to targeted resources and tools that can be used to help support the implementation of adaptation actions, and presents the broad findings from the project. The report also includes several "Abridged Resources," which serve as “at-a-glance” synopses of existing implementation related documents and are designed to help end-users judge to what degree the resource is appropriate for them. 
Full Text Word Count: 9308
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