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Growing Progress: Taking a snapshot of local and sustainable food systems in BC

Posting Date: December 4, 2018
Year Published: 2018
Growing Progress, introduces a measurement framework to assess the health of BC’s farmland and food systems. Some of the measures we looked at include public attitudes towards farmland protection, hectares of land used for food production, agricultural GHG emissions, and the average of age of farm operators. One of our biggest challenges was finding data to gauge food self-reliance – or, how much of the food eaten in BC is produced here. There is data available on the volume of food produced in BC and the volume consumed, but no figures linking the two data sets. Without this information, we can only estimate how much of our food needs can be met with food that’s grown, raised, and processed in BC. The report also identifies gaps in data availability and makes recommendations to improve data quality and consistency.
Full Text Word Count: 9040
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