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City of Kamloops supports Tk'emlups' bid to add Rayleigh land to reserve

Posting Date: March 27, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The City of Kamloops has issued a letter supporting the Tk'emlups Indian Band in its bid to have land in Rayleigh added to the reserve.

"I'm very glad to report out that we have received confirmation [of city support]," Tk'emlups Indian Band Coun. Rosanne Casimir said during a community-to-community forum on Monday.

Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian said the matter dates back to land formerly housing a prison. The Rayleigh Correctional Centre closed in 2002 after nearly 40 years of operation.

The province issued part of the land to the city -- on which the Tournament Capital Ranch now sits -- and part of it to the TIB after the band filed a land claim. Adding the band's land to the reserve is still in the process, Casimir said.

"Mount Lolo took in excess of 26 years for the ATR (additions to reserve) process," she said.

Tk'emlups Indian Band Chief Fred Seymour was grateful for the letter, noting the band continues to "battle with all our government."

"If you've got battles with government, the City of Kamloops should not be one of them," Christian said.

The federal government created the additions to reserve policy in the 1970s to fill a gap not addressed by the Indian Act.

Since then, the government has undergone a feedback process with First Nations bands and organizations and improvements to the process were announced in the summer of 2016.
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Full Text Word Count: 517
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