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Protocol Agreement for Communication and Cooperation Building a K'ómoks First Nation and Comox Valley Local Governments Relationship

Posting Date: June 14, 2010
Year Published: 2010
WHEREAS: A. K’ómoks translates to ‘Land of Plenty’. The K’ómoks First Nation’s lands, air, waters and resources extends from Sayward south to Englishman River encompassing some off-shore islands (as identified on schedule ‘A’).

B. To this day the K’ómoks First Nation have not ceded, surrendered or extinguished their aboriginal rights and title to their lands and waters as acknowledged under section 25 and 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982.

C. The Comox Valley local governments’ area (as identified on schedule ‘B’) fall within the K’ómoks First Nation territory.

D. K’ómoks and the Comox Valley local governments have distinct governance authorities and responsibilities towards their residents and members, and acknowledge that the interests of all persons living in the Comox Valley are best served by working together in the spirit of communication and cooperation.

E. The Parties recognize that building a K'ómoks First Nation and Comox Valley local governments relationship now will create an increased level of certainty for each other and our neighboring communities and is a first step in a dialogue towards a consultative relationship.

NOW THEREFORE the Parties enter into this Protocol Agreement with the intention and desire to improve the lives of all people in the Comox Valley by providing fair and equitable opportunities through a cooperative K'ómoks First Nation and Comox Valley local governments relationship that shares information, communicates openly and proactively, addresses specific interests and raises awareness and understanding of K’ómoks aboriginal rights and title and the responsibilities of the Comox Valley local governments under the Local Government Act, Community Charter and other provincial and federal legislation.
Full Text Word Count: 1267
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