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Fort St. James and Nak’azdli Whut’en Community Forum: keeping community

Posting Date: March 9, 2016
Year Published: 2016
Both Fort St. James District and Nak’azdli Whut’en got together to help better understand each other’s roles within the Fort St. James community.

The forum invited a number of students from Fort St. James Secondary High school who were there to learn, ask questions and voice their opinions.

“This was a great bringing together of both sides,” Fort St. James Councillor, Brenda Gouglas said. “It was so great to have the students participate, to learn more about what municipal government does and why it’s so important.”

Presentations on both municipal government and band governments were given.

District Councillor, Kris Nielsen offered information about the “Action Team” on Social Health and Resources in Nak’azdli and in Fort St. James.

A Truth and Reconciliation presentation and discussion was also given by Chief Justa Monk and Nicholette Prince.

Dinner at Murray Ridge followed in celebration of the day’s events.

Gary Miller, Nak’azdli Band member and manager of Carrier Food and Fuel was excited about all of the new people on board.

“It was so good to see all of the young people. And it’s exciting to see and meet all the new people in government. It’s a good feeling. Things are happening.”
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Full Text Word Count: 482
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