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Woss/ Wa’as Cooperative Agreement Signed March 24th, 2012

Posting Date: March 24, 2012
Year Published: 2012
On March 24th 2012, one of the first sunny days of the year on the Mount Waddington riviera,about one third of Woss thronged to listen and exchange thoughts at a Community to Community forum between the ‘Namgis First Nation and the Regional District of Mount Waddington.

Complimented by an astonishingly good lunch prepared by Woss residents, the presentations covered treaty negotiation issues, the challenges facing the local school and the current state of affairs with the largest employer in the Nimpkish Valley, Western Forest Products.

The agreement signed, the Woss/ Wa’as Cooperative Agreement, is a mutual support agreement that will hopefully enable both the ‘Namgis and Regional District to pursue tenures or outright ownership of lands important to the future of their respective communities. There are also additional committments to work on projects of common interest in the future and collaborate on securing a stable future for Woss Lake Elementary school, a critical institution in Woss suffering from the effects of commute forest workers and an aging workforce. This is the first unincorporated agreement to emerge from the North Island Regional protocol Agreement (2010) and will hopefully not be the last.

For more information, contact either the ‘Namgis First Nation, Regional District of Mount Waddington or the Woss Residents’ Association.
Full Text Word Count: 59
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