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Namgis First Nation - The Village of Alert Bay: Tides of Change Cormorant Island Economic Development Strategy - Pathways to Collaboration

Posting Date: September 9, 2019
Year Published: 2019
Located a short ferry ride from Port McNeil on northern Vancouver Island, Cormorant Island is home to ‘Namgis First Nation and the Village of Alert Bay. The two governments have a long history of successful working relationships that stretches back to the signing of a protocol agreement in 1998 and beyond. As part of the Alert Bay Accord, the two governments set up a joint economic development corporation in order to facilitate joint projects. While the Corporation ceased operations in the early 2000s, the Accord was renewed in 2012 and the importance of working together “to promote a high standard of cultural, economic and environmental quality of life for the benefit of all residents of Cormorant Island” was affirmed.
Full Text Word Count: 1257
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