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Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities with Asset Management: An introduction for municipal leaders

Posting Date: March 9, 2020
Year Published: 2020
Local governments provide a whole range of services that are essential to our communities’ quality of life, like clean drinking water, transportation systems, waste management, drainage and food protection, public art, parks and recreation services. The services they deliver depend on physical infrastructure assets like water treatment plants, wastewater retention ponds, roads, buses, buildings and emergency vehicles. Natural assets also support municipal service delivery and in some cases are essential. For example, wetlands can support food control and fltration, while aquifers can provide safe drinking water to some communities, with minimal treatment requirements.

In Canada, local governments are the stewards of about 60 per cent of all public infrastructure assets. These assets are the foundation that enables our communities to thrive. However, our local governments face some signifcant social, economic and environmental challenges that will affect their ability to manage their assets and deliver services sustainably over the long term.

The way local governments invest in infrastructure assets, including natural assets, will have a signifcant impact on whether our communities move toward becoming sustainable and resilient.
Full Text Word Count: 2474
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