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Local Government - First Nations Partnerships Forging strong relationships among municipal, regional and First Nation governments in British Columbia

Posting Date: August 1, 2008
Year Published: 2008
"City of Nanaimo & Snuneymuxw First Nation The relationship between the City of Nanaimo and Snuneymuxw First Nation (SFN) was “extremely strained” before the two communities decided to come together and forge a new, more positive working relationship.

"MOU between the City and SFN in April 2005. The MOU commits the two parties to establish a government-to-government relationship based on mutual respect and cooperation. Six months later, the City and SFN signed the Protocol Agreement – the “principal working document which the City and Snuneymuxw will use as the basis for developing further process arrangements and other agreements between them” (SFN & City of Nanaimo, 2005). The Protocol Agreement specifically addresses economic opportunities, service provision, and land use planning and development as key areas for joint action." - pg 24 Note that efforts to re-energise the process after a lapse started in 2013."
Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 101
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