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Community Lifecycle Infrastructure Costing (CLIC) Tool (Version 2.0)

Posting Date: March 10, 2020
Year Published: 2020
Community lifecycle infrastructure costing can help local governments estimate the entire lifecycle costs of infrastructure, such as water, sewer and transportation, for different land use patterns, for example, compact- versus low-density development.

New development and land use planning decisions require careful consideration as they affect the scale, scope, and type of  infrastructure needs. The full financial impact of these decisions will influence long-term community sustainability and resilience.

The community lifecycle infrastructure costing tool (CLIC Tool) can help local governments better understand the long-term cost implications of land use decisions. The tool integrates infrastructure lifecycle costs (development, maintenance, servicing and replacement) into land use planning and development scenarios. Specific applications of the tool have modelled how compact development is more cost-effective over time than lower density development.
Full Text Word Count: 1578
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