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Canadian Infrastructure Report Card – Key Messages

Posting Date: March 10, 2020
Year Published: 2020
Municipalities own the core infrastructure assets that are critical to the quality of life of Canadians and the competitiveness of our country. Almost 60% of Canada’s core public infrastructure is owned and maintained by municipal governments. According to survey results, the total value of core municipal infrastructure assets is estimated at $1.1 trillion dollars, or about $80,000 per household. Municipal infrastructure gets people and goods moving, provides safe drinking water, handles our waste, creates spaces for sport and recreation, and helps protect our homes against flooding and other natural disasters. The delivery of these essential public services is reliant on a strong foundation of municipal infrastructure. This foundation enables our communities and local businesses to grow, and ensures Canadians can lead safe and healthy lives.

One-third of our municipal infrastructure is in fair, poor or very poor condition, increasing the risk of service disruption. The survey asked municipalities to qualitatively assess their infrastructure according to a five-point rating scale ranging from Very Good to Very Poor. Nearly 35% of assets are in need of attention. Assets in fair, poor and very poor conditions represent a call for action. Survey results demonstrate that roads, municipal buildings, sport and recreation facilities and public transit are the asset classes most in need of attention.
Full Text Word Count: 2089
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