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Preparing for Climate Change: An Implementation Guide for Local Governments in British Columbia

Posting Date: January 1, 2012
Year Published: 2012
This guide is intended to assist local government staff in carrying out climate change adaptation initiatives in their communities. It begins by defining climate change, discussing adaptation and mitigation, and describing the role that local governments can play. It also discusses adaptive capacity and the co-benefits adaptation can bring, as well as the need for adaptive management.
Section 2 of the guide outlines some of the planning and legislative tools that communities can use to implement adaptation strategies, from higher-level tools such as regional growth strategies and official community plans, to specific tools like development permit areas, and development cost charges, among others. It also outlines considerations for adaptation planning relevant to other local government activities and responsibilities. Case studies that demonstrate the tools put into practice are included.  The guide also discusses some of the associated legal, liability and insurance implications of adaptation measures. Appendices outline case studies, a climate change adaptation checklist, considerations for those with limited resources, and a list of related projects.
Full Text Word Count: 8927
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