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Ecosystem Services Toolkit. Completing and Using Ecosystem Service Assessment for Decision-Making: An Interdisciplinary Toolkit for Managers and Analysts

Posting Date: October 19, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The toolkit contains key tools and resources for planning and undertaking an ecosystem service assessment to identify the consequences of environmental change and how environmental management decisions can enhance, diminish or maintain the flow of ecosystem services benefits. An ecosystem services assessment involves: identifying high priority ecosystem services; assessing their environmental, social, cultural and economic dynamics and significance; and identifying the consequences of change on the ecosystem services.  A six step approach is recommended that includes: defining the issue and context; identifying priority ecosystem services; identifying what is to be evaluated; identifying and using indicators and other information; synthesizing results; and communicating outcomes.
The toolkit is not specifically geared to local governments but can be used by local government to conduct or require an ecosystem services assessment for long range planning and potentially individual site specific assessments.
Full Text Word Count: 8501
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