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District of Lantzville and Snaw-naw-as Nation Sign Memorandum of Understanding to PrioritizeCooperation and Dialogue

Posting Date: June 18, 2021
Year Published: 2021
The District of Lantzville (District) and Snaw-naw-as Nation (Nation) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) focused on strengthening our government-to-government relationship, furthering dialogue, and working together in the best interests of both of our communities.
This MOU is the culmination of discussions that began in December 2020 when the District and the Nation set an intention to develop a framework for working together. Under the MOU, the District and the Nation will establish a Joint Working Group within 30 days to work towards achieving the goals set out in the MOU.

The MOU anticipates cooperation on issues such as land use planning, waste and water servicing, community amenities, parks and recreation, transportation and access, and development. The Joint Working Group will be tasked with exploring these and other issues and reporting back to both Councils on how best to collaborate.
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Full Text Word Count: 3128
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