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City of Prince Rupert Adopts New Look

Posting Date: February 28, 2022
Year Published: 2022

At last night’s meeting, City Council approved a refreshed City logo and brand guidelines that blend indigenous art, contemporary design, bright colours and a nod to our familiar moniker – the City of Rainbows. 

The branding exercise began in 2020, stemming in part from the 2030 Vision consultation process, which recommended to modernize our municipal identity. Following information collection and focus group engagement that began in early 2020, the new logo and brand guidelines were developed by branding agency Will Creative in collaboration with local Ts’msyen artist, Russell Mather.

“We wanted something that represents the grit and optimism that we know that it sometimes takes to live in the rainiest City in Canada. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that can mean so much - diversity, wealth, inclusion, and most obviously what comes after the storm – and it has always been Rupert’s optimistic spin on the rain,” said Mayor Lee Brain...

“We knew it was important to recognize the Coast Ts’msyen territory that we are lucky to call home, and we are incredibly grateful to Russell for providing his designs and guiding our design team through the cultural side of things.”

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