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Strathcona area First Nations to be invited to sit at regional district board table

Posting Date: May 12, 2022
Year Published: 2022

First Nations within the Strathcona region are getting the chance to participate as observers in Strathcona Regional District board meetings.

The board is extending invitations to all local First Nations to sit at the board table as participating observers, albeit without the ability to vote on board matters. The arrangement would be similar to a previous one with now-Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations (KCFN) Director Kevin Jules had when KCFN was finalizing its treaty agreement...

The discussion came as a response to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, which sent correspondence in January to the Mayors and Regional District Chairs of B.C. detailing how the province’s draft action plan on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act is more inclusive to First Nations governments.

The SRD board will be sending a letter to the ministry saying that the regional district “supports the involvement of all First Nations in the Strathcona Regional District as observers to our meetings. As a result of the relationships that can be built through such involvement, the Regional District will be better positioned to navigate the many paths leading to true reconciliation.”

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